I agree with Brouch, in that the Grand Blues are
underpriced for what you get. They sound great with
my ASL 50 W/PC tube amp. And they are super dynamic,
and perform a great disappearing act. I am still tweaking
to get the best bass response in my 20x20x12 room. It
is super tight & deep. I am probably inches away from
perfection. Another thing with these speakers is that they are
super coherent. They just play great music, and are
killer for HT.
And they are beautiful!
Never heard the Orpheus, but think they have to sound much
better than what you are hearing. It sounds like a room
and/or synergy problem!? Try moving the speakers 1/4" at
a time and listen for subtle changes. What size room
do you have?
underpriced for what you get. They sound great with
my ASL 50 W/PC tube amp. And they are super dynamic,
and perform a great disappearing act. I am still tweaking
to get the best bass response in my 20x20x12 room. It
is super tight & deep. I am probably inches away from
perfection. Another thing with these speakers is that they are
super coherent. They just play great music, and are
killer for HT.
And they are beautiful!
Never heard the Orpheus, but think they have to sound much
better than what you are hearing. It sounds like a room
and/or synergy problem!? Try moving the speakers 1/4" at
a time and listen for subtle changes. What size room
do you have?