Only three manufacturers?

Playboy March issue states that speakers should reproduce the frequency, timing, and amplitude of the original sound. They state that most speakers get frequency and amplitude correct but only 3 manufacturers get the time coherence right: Vandersteen audio, Thiel, and Meadowlark audio.
What do you think about this comment and if its true are there any more manufacturers that get all 3 parameters.
I believe that is the view of "The Audio Perfectionist":

Given that a lot of what The Audio Perfectionist recommends seems to work for me, I wouldn't doubt this statement.

Perhaps other speaker manufactures may not consider time coherence necessary, desirable, or worth the trouble.
It makes sense to me. I want to match my front-end, pre-amp and amp with time and phase coherent speakers. Like they say: "you can't be part way pregnant." Likewise, I don't partially coherent musical reproduction.
Playboy is commenting on "the original sound"?! What the hell do they know about original!!! So much silicone graces their airbrush retouched photo shoots, they must think "original" comes from Dow-Corning & sprayed pigments!