golix@macunlimited.net...The term "sealed box" means that the box is relatively small and air tight so that air compressed within the box contributes much of the spring effect on the driver cone. Because of the air spring (which is very linear) the mechanical cone suspension of the driver must be very soft and floppy.
Infinite baffle is also a sealed box, but it is so large, and imperfectly sealed, that there is essentially no spring provided by air pressure. Accordingly the mechanical cone suspension must be designed to do the job without any help. A typical IB installation would be a large LF driver mounted in a door leading to the attic.
Parts Express sells some drivers that are designed for IB use.
Infinite baffle is also a sealed box, but it is so large, and imperfectly sealed, that there is essentially no spring provided by air pressure. Accordingly the mechanical cone suspension must be designed to do the job without any help. A typical IB installation would be a large LF driver mounted in a door leading to the attic.
Parts Express sells some drivers that are designed for IB use.