Paradigm Monitor 5v2 - Studio 40 v3 - worth it?

I'm planning to upgrade my Monitor 5 V2 with premiere S-series stands & NAD c320BEE int. amp within the coming weeks, I am thinking of just making a step up the ladder to the studio 40s with a higher end NAD int amp also (c352/372).

Anyways, I am wondering what you guys think about the studio 40 v3s vs the monitor 5 v2s? Is the price difference worth it? And what do you recommend for amplification for a room about 15x20 in size.

I have the 40v3's powered by a Denon 100 watt stereo reciever and I really think it doesnt begin to do those speakers justice.

I'm on the hunt myself for amplification......soooo many choices out there my head is spinning.

You could check out the Audio Analogue models which I thought sounded terrific with my 40 v2's. I had them connected to the Puccini SE Remote.
the denon pma 2000ivr integrated amp did just fine with my studio 60 v2's. you could get a good deal on the amp at ultimate electronics about now.
I have the Studio 40 v.3's. When I first got them I was using NAD amplification. They sounded good together. I upgraded from the Nad to a Musical Fidelity a3.2 integrated and they sound considerably better.