Best used speaker under $1000 for tube low watter

what speakers would you pick for a tube 15 watt amp. for a small room (14x14), and primarily for classical/chamber, and a little jazz. i would rather take the used route, even vintage, it's always nice to be able to resell without losing much. i can't stand that big loss when buying new. also, the room is oddly shaped with sloped ceilings, the only spot for the speakers is about 2 feet from the wall, i prefer speakers that are easy for placement. any suggestions?
Contact Steven at "Quest for Sound".....He is a dealer here.
He is a tube guru and sells lots of tube power and speakers that work with low power.
I heard a pair of Consonance Eric 1 monitors there 2 weeks ago being driven by a 2A3 amp that was absolutely engaging and amazingly full range. I am a full range speaker listener and these monitors blew me away especially after asking what the price tag was. Less than your budget new and he'll sell demo as well. Trust me! He is worth talking to!
I'll second Bryhifi's recommendation of the Eric-1s. I heard them in January when Quest for Sound was at THE Show in Vegas, and I was extremely impressed.

Another possibility is a used pair of Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors. They should be about $1000 as well.

Do a search on Eico here and on AudioAsylum and you may come up with some more suggestions as well as those here. I seem to recall those EL84-based amps being a pretty good match for vintage Quad ESL57s which would be just over your budget and also a bit large. The sloped ceiling behind the speakers may actually work in your favor, but it's hard to say. I'd still keep the Cornwall's in the running to. No experience with your KEF's.

The Type K Audio Note speakers are 90db rating; the Type J is 92 and the Type E goes from 94 to 98 depending on model.

Used Klipsch speakers are a great deal and sound good, too, with8 tubes; very efficient. Some models of interest would be RB5, RB25, RF35. Go to the Klipsch page and look around. These things go from 93 to 98db. And they are inexpensive used; a pair of RB25 locally is going for 299.