VR-4JR or USHER 6371

Hi everyone
I am new to the forum and find myself in the (un?)fortunate position of rebuilding my entire home theater/stereo system. I am looking to spend somewhere in the 4k region for main speakers. They will do about 50/50 stereo and home theater duty. I have read alot about the VR4jr and will soon be able to hear them. I have also heard good things, although not as much press, regarding the ushers. I unfortunately have a somewhat small living room in which i will be setting up. The speakers will have to go along the longest wall. 10x16x8tall. I have some lattitude in sellecting acoustic treatment to improve my oddball room. the speakers will have to be placed up against the rear wall and not allowed to be pulled into the room. Has anyone here heard both speakers? Any insight would be great as I haven't heard ny of the usher line.
Dali's are another that I would consider. I guess the question now is, if I am going to use a speaker that is mid size/ie big book shelf like the LCR-15, or a smaller floor stander (not as deep as the 4jr), would there be a better speaker in that size range than the VSR line.How do the Dali's sound compared to VSR? Thanks!
Have any of you considered the Gallo Reference 3. I have not heard them yet but from what I hear they are amazing.
I am considering the gallo ref 3's also but I have to wait until I can hear them in a week or two. I have heard the VR4 jrs and they sounded incredible in a larger room, but so so in a smaller venue. I think they will require some room correction/EQ if they will work in my smaller listening room. There seemed to be an over emphasized midbass in the smaller room but flawless smooth musicality if allowed to breathe. I can only get away with a small amout of acoustic treatment so I may need a processor that has room correction. I am now narowed down to the vr4jr's, and a few contenders I have not heard yet, namely the eggleston fontaine II, usher 6371 or 6381 and the gallo ref III. Can anyone compare these 4?


I have not heard the specific Usher speakers you mention. The Ushers I have heard (929 and 6311), and compared to the VR-4jr and VR-2, I found to be boomier and less defined in the bass. So, if you feel the VR-4jr will be marginal with regard to mid-bass in your room then the Ushers are likely to be worse, in my opinion.

Have you given the VR-2 a try? The VR-2 may be a better fit to your room. How about the Consonance Eric 3? It is a little smaller than the VR-2. I would place the Eric 3 between the VR-2 and VR-4jr in terms of sound quality. I feel the Eric 3 is actually more revealing of detail than the VR-4jr but does not have the ability to bring the musicians in the room quite like the VR-4jr.

Just a note … I am not a dealer. Nor am I associated with Consonance or Von Schweikert, other than being very happy with their products that I have purchased and/or auditioned.

Have fun!
Thanks for the input Lowfi!
I was just out looking around and found a "cache" of various eggleston speakers including the rosa and stella? ( I hadnt heard of the Stella before). They sounded impressive but i am not sure if they best the VR 4jr or not. Does anyone know if the eggleston speakers are time/phase aligned? They look great so I know the wife will "pass" them.
It is so difficult to compare speakers when you can't hear them in the same room or with even remotely similar equipment!Can anyone compare the VR4jr to the eggleston rosa or fontaine I and or II? Can anyone stop me from asking questions?