Biamping Dunlavy SC-V

Hi, does anyone have experience with passive biamping Dunlavy speakers, especially the SC-V? Can you tell me what were the results?
Dunlavy recommended NOT bi-amping, as he set it up to play with jumpers in. However, you can. The crossover is set lowenough however(around 200hz), that you shouldn't have any problems using a good "bass amp", like the Parasounds (for cheap on the bottom posts, and better amp on top!
I used to sell Dunlavy, but never biamped these. You'll have to try, which will really not be anything more than a small investment..then you'll know!
This is what being an adiophile is about really, tweaking and trying yourself you know...
good luck
I'm not sure what passive bi-amping is, but I bi-amp my Dunlavy IVa with two Plinius SA-102 amps, one for the top posts, and one on the bottom. I have never heard Flmlamb's comment. I have talked to John Dunlavy many times over the years, he helped set me in the direction I went, so maybe I'm just not understanding your question. For my system the two amps are a significant improvement in bass definition and slam. With the fives it may be even more important. I would not go back after bi-amping with the last three amps I had, all on Dunlavy speakers.
My greatest concern is where will I ever find a better speaker for the cost once these are old and tired.