Full range bass powerful speakers $5000 Help

I am seriously considering upgrading my speakers. My system is:

Simaudio Nova cdp Shunyata Diamondback pc
Chimera Advantage II interconnect
McIntosh MA6900 integrated
Analysis Plus Oval Nine wire
Definitive Technology BP 7002 speakers
Shunyata Hydra-4 Shunyata Copperhead pc

Looking for top notch full range speakers that will produce weighty low end with slam and also provide the clear mids and highs we listen for. Thanks
Winner of Best of High End at CES was the VMPS RM 40. Also has garnered numerous rave reviews. Recently I emailed Martin DeWulf of Bound for Sound about a crossover and driver change. He asked "How much better can they get?" An absolute must listen in your price range.
i prefer the gershman acoustics avant garde rx-20. they go for $4895 new, but you could likely find a pair used in the $2800-$3200 range. the spec from 24-20,000 so they aren't completely full range, but i doubt you'll ever notice the difference. good luck and have fun auditioning.
I'm a bit puzzled by your comments on the bass. If you meant full range, i.e. into the 20's, and by weighty you do not me overemphasized or fat, The Tyler Signature System fits your price range and your comments about the mids and highs. It is a very smooth and revealing speaker. Its bass is deep and tight, but if anything its not overblown fat one note bass.