Mackie HR824


Thinking of upgrading. Any input on the Mackies would be very much appreciated. For bedroom 11 x 15 x 9.
You can find a exception to any rule anytime but generally you don't want flat response in a home system.The better speaker designers know that the psychoacoustics of response actually negates a ruler flat curve in tweaking designs.
The first three high end speakers I looked at contradict what you're claiming.

Here are six more ---

Aerial Acoustics 20T Price $18,000+

+/- 2db 28 Hz to 30 kHz

Vandersteen 5A Price $15,000+

+/- 1.5 db 20Hz to 30 kHz

Thiel CS 7.2 Price; $15,000+

+/- 1.5 db  25 Hz to 18 kHz

Revel Ultima Salons Price; $20,000+

+/- 1.5 dB from 25 Hz to 18 kHz

Eggleston Savoy Price; $40,000

+/- 1db 20Hz to 20kHz

B & W Nautilus Price $40,000+

+/- .5 db 25Hz - 20kHz

I don't think it is necessary to fill this thread with more examples. Most
audiophiles aspire to own top of the line speakers such as these and they all
contradict your claim about "audiophile speakers."
Well then enjoy your mackies.I will be enjoying my reference 3a decapo i's in my home system and saving my sheckles for the brilliant point source lipinskis for my mixdowns.
Your decapo's are rated +/- 3 db 44Hz to 20Khz. I don't know where you
got the idea that your speakers have some exotic frequency response curve
based on psychoacoustics. The frequency response doesn't bear this out and
there is no reference to such a thing on their web-site.

I do enjoy my Mackies. They sound great. I believe they will compete
favorably with anything in their price range and when you consider that they
are powered bi-amped speakers, I consider them a screaming bargain.

The decapo's to which you refer cost $2,500 -- almost twice as much as the

At that price and since they are not powered, they had better sound better
than the Mackies, but this isn't much help to someone who is shopping in the
Mackies' price range. I think we all know that if we spend twice as much, we
are likely to get better performance.