B&W Signature 800 Vs. the new 800D Diamond

Does anyone here has a chance to listen to the new B&W 800D (Diamond)? How do you like it and how does it compare to the 800 Signature?

The 800 Signature Red Bird Eye goes for about $13K and the new 800D goes for $16K. Which one would you rather take?

Thanks in advance for your advice

I've seen Dan's setups and can verify he's telling the truth about his speaker evolution. Every time I've visited he's had a new high end system consisting of some pretty exotic and ultra high end equipment.

Well... I've got to say that washline is not the only and the first one who did not find the new D line special (or better)

check out club b&w in the htguide forums
several dudes there argue the oldies are indeed goodies

OTOH, To my ears, those new Ds are really speical

peace :)
Already been there Jungsan, I've read 1 post that questioned this, I also read another that says 100% the opposite. If you read this thread carefully, while I do say I believe there is a difference, my arguement has to do with how Washline came to his conclusion.
I know I know :-) my post was not to back up anyone here
Washline believes the difference he hears lies in the speakers and If there's a flaw in his logic, who cares? it's not a test anyway..
plus, I was not telling you to go check out the site, cuz I'd seen your beautiful set up there already :-P

my post was rather in response to your origianl post, since you're the one seeking the opinions;
the club B&W is a great site, there are many threads comparing the new and old lines.

some pple like to take advantage of getting an outgoing model on good price or some pple have to have a new (which is IMO always better at least little bit)..

peace and good luck :)
btw this dude did like the new line
