Anybody heard Martin Logan Summits?

My system consists of Quad 988's, Thor Audio(tubed) TPA-150's, Thor Line Stage, Thor Phono Stage, Thor Dac, with Cary 306/200 as a transport, Audio Physics Minos Subwoofer,
with a VPI Scoutmaster turntable and a Clear Audio Discovery cartridge. My room is 20X 20 with 12 foot ceilings and my room has been heavily treated by Echo Busters. The probelm lies within my Quad 988's. They have
some wonderful qualities, but have limited dynamics and poor bass response. Without the sub, the sound is poor. I am seeking a true full range speaker that is detailed, moves a lot of air and will make me feel that I don't want to look anymore. My budget per pair maxes out at $15,000.00. I would prefer to spend less. I recently heard some speakers at the show and was not impressed. I am in the New York area and in fact today I am going to hear the Reimer Grand Tetons in Patchogue, New York. I will advise arfter I listen. They sell for about $6000.00 per pair. This has been a difficult journey as I realize that all speakers are a compromise. I also feel that I want an efficient speaker. This leaves out, Sound Lab, Avalon Eidelon.(used comes in at my max)I have spent so much on electronics and feel that the Thor tubed gear is so good that I won't consider changing amps to a 300 per channel solid state variety. Any thoughts would be helpful.
Hey Nsgarch,
The last line of the post said "Any thoughts would be helpful" did you not read that far? I also think it should be Kjl's place to re-direct this threads path if HE feels it is not helpful, and everyone is trying to help.
Magnaquest mentioned Legacy Focus 20/20 I have spent hours listening to them and they are worth a look. As for Martin Logan Summits, I wasnt blown away when I heard them but it could be the demo room at the dealer. Thet were also only powered by Rotel amps.
Chadnliz -- you heard the Summits and have an opinion, and so I feel it was worth my time to read your post. "Any thoughts would be helpful" I presume means with regard to the topic of the thread, and not just any ol' thoughts.

We all take time to read the posts under a topic that interests us, not just the person who started the thread. And I think it's a well established "rule of the road" to stay on topic.

But now I'm guilty of going off topic, so I'll stop........

I was wrong to jump on Nsgarch, I think my problem is I am disabled and have WAY too much time on my hands lol!
Chadnliz no need to apologize.

The poster said "Anybody heard Martin Logan Summits? which is his main question and his second question is seeking reccomendations of a full range speaker costing no more than $15000. Am I correct Kjl?

BTW I did not hear the ML Summits but would like to one day.
I just came from a cocktail party last night hosted by Martin Logan's signature dealer here in So. Cal. (I ordered all my hi fi equipment, including the Summit from this dealer). The ML people were there including the founder, Gail Martin Sanders. They showed the Summit. Prior to this, I listened to the Summit from this same dealer when it first arrived 3 weeks ago. I was totally disappointed as I found the bass to be boomy. The Odesseys sounded better. I was so concerned as I thought I made a stupid mistake of buying a speaker without the benefit of auditioning them. So I went to the party to bring up all my issues with the Summits to the ML people.

When I got there I was in awe. The Summits were so accurate and dynamic as if you were listening to a huge set of full range speakers. It truly lived up the the ML reputation and in my opinion surpassed the models it replaced. What a big relief specially after hearing Gail Martin Sanders explain how the Summits were made the parts that were used to make them.

These speakers are unique in a way because you can adjust the deep bass according to your taste and the sound of the room you're in. You cannot do this with most other speakers.

When you audition one in the future and the Summits do not seem to sound as good as you think, most likely the dealer did not set it properly.

I'm sure glad I ordered them before they came out as mine arrived at my dealer last friday and will be set up this week. I can't wait already.

Happy listening.
