1. 1991 Toyota Corolla DX 4dr. (Don't have a radio. A broken driver window that can't roll up or down because the window handle is mess up. So i have to use my hand to push up or down. A bad seal in the driver window that makes wind noise during driving. At 65 mphs and up, the car is very unstable. It whopple left and right on the highway. Some other minor trouble in the car.)
2. a very budget car that i can afford and does not have car trouble. Probably a honda civic. I had a chance to replace the car but instead, i just brought $16,550 B&W demo speakers instead.
3. not sure what car that i want if i have lot of money. I just probably will spent it on a really expensive audio system, just like that 1 million dollar system at the HE2002 and a very nice house with a big living room.