Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R

It is finally time for me to ask some questions: I am completely stuck on the question of speakers: I am deliberating to wander off into single driver land. Any experiences and comparisons between the Abby's and Super 3's will be very helpful. Room size will be medium to small. Can you please tell me about your experiences with room placement of these speakers? Also, any comparison between the nearfield and the normal version of the Abby’s would be great.

Right now I only have a Jolida 302b tube amp with certainly enough, or even too much power. I am thinking of assembling an SET system around these speakers later down the road (Bottlehead amps, Wright Mono's, etc.). The Abby’s are slightly more efficient (97dB vs. 93dB) and might be easier to drive. Sources are an Audio Aero Prima and a Michell Tecnodec/DL103/Dino.

Thank you very much for your help.

I agree with you guys on the Omegas..After all I own a pair as well. The Omegas are my prefered speakers at the present time. I can't wait to drop in a pair of 8 inch Hemp drivers. Hopefully in a couple of months they will come available for sale.
Gmood1 - What model Omegas do you have? I just ordered some Grande 6R's. Any Idea how long it will take to break them in?
I'm a long time Abby listener, they are fantastic speakers. I have heard a lot of the smaller Fostex based speakers (but not the Omegas). I’m biased, but take the Abbys.

The Abbys address the niche for efficient speakers at a reasonable price, but you still can not get past the iron laws of size, efficiency and extension. The Abbys are not horns and they are not as efficient as one would want to capture a real SET sound. Still, given the basic limits of a single driver you will be amazed at how much music will enter your room, and how palpable it is.

The Abbys and specifically the Fostex drivers have a lot more potential than I was able to get out of them with a 2A3 based amp (3.5wpc). The sound was fantastic, visceral and beautiful - so what’s not to love?

I think that one can do better, even if it means sacrificing some of the SET beauty. I have thrown a lot different amps against the Abby, the drivers seem to change with each amp or preamp I pair it with. I don’t know enough to figure out what I need to get the best possible sound out of the speakers, lower noise floor, improving dynamics, different incense? If I had the money I’d tell you, but right now I am going to listen more, and come to conclusions gradually.

I have the original style Abby, which I remember being 94db, the wizzzer near field is perhaps a little more efficient. In my room I listen at a distance of 8 to 12 feet. Less than 8 and I’d opt for the nearfield driver. I like the interaction between the room and the Abbys, but if you sit too close the normal drivers will sound harsh.

In any case, you’re going to like them with the Jolida.

Hi Joey I use Omega Grande 8's in custom cabinets. They are slightly larger than the normal versions.You can expect 100 hrs before they start to really open up.
The fostex drivers will improve well past 200 hrs.These speakers are like fine wine they only improve with time.

When you first fire them up. Expect the top end to be closed in. Also their going to be a little grainy. Each speaker will stick out like sore thumbs.What I mean by that is the sound won't be seamless between the two speakers.You will hear two separate speakers from the start. Once you get some time on them you will notice they start to blend together, until it is a seamless sound.
The really good stuff doesn't show till past 100 hrs of use.
I've said this several times before. If you really want to hear these speakers shine. Pair them up with sealed stereo subs.
That's if your room is large enough. I've had fullrange floorstanders and large Magnepans along with some other speakers. My former floorstanders which retailed for $3200 , cannot compete with the Omega speakers paired with powered sealed subwoofers.Everything just seems more controled and open but delicate. I'm getting some serious dynamics with a 6 wpc battery powered integrated. Since the amplifier doesn't pull heavy bass duty. It gives the midrange and highs and effortless sound.

The subs add a foundation to the music. You feel and hear those spacial ques in the music. I like the fact I still have tight well controled bass even at very low listening levels. Most passive floorstanders lose their bass at low volumes. At 60 db I still feel the kick of the drums without that bass overhang.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback and comments to my small question.

Rar1, thanks for your detailed comments on the room placement of your Omega Super 3. This really helps me out quite a bit. Since you have the Omega’s in the narrow cabinet: Have you actually had a chance to listen to them in a "wide" cabinet? I know the narrow cabinet would be better for upgrading to a Fostex Alnico driver at a later time. Otherwise I have not found much about the differences between the different configurations. I guess I should call Louis at Omega to find out, why he switched to the wider configuration, compared to narrow cabinet of the original TS3.

Gmood1, thanks for all your comments on the Abby and Omega speakers. You are right that the comparison is quite unfair. I like the unusual looks of the Abby, but I am a little afraid that it might be a little overwhelming in our smallish rooms. Following your comments on the richer sound of the Abby's I probably would prefer the Abby's, though.

Kbuzz is probably right, in that it will probably come down to room size and floor stander/monitor decision. I would prefer a floor stander since I have been living with smaller monitor speakers for the last seven years and since I am longing for change. However, the smaller Omega's seem more flexible for smaller to medium rooms (one of our rooms is square with 10ft x 10ft, the other 17ft x 12 ft with several corners, niches). Probably the nearfield Abby might be the better choice for both rooms.

Is it possible to easily switch drivers on the Abby? That way I could try both the nearfield and regular Fostex drivers. Also, I read the 6 moons comments on the different drivers. Does anyone have experience with the Fostex FE206E driver, which was a favorite in this article?

Fostex driver comparison

Also, I still have to read the 6moons review on the Abby's:

6 moon: Abby review

I have been waiting for this review for a while and completely missed that it came out during this last week.

Again, thanks for all you comments.
