Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R

It is finally time for me to ask some questions: I am completely stuck on the question of speakers: I am deliberating to wander off into single driver land. Any experiences and comparisons between the Abby's and Super 3's will be very helpful. Room size will be medium to small. Can you please tell me about your experiences with room placement of these speakers? Also, any comparison between the nearfield and the normal version of the Abby’s would be great.

Right now I only have a Jolida 302b tube amp with certainly enough, or even too much power. I am thinking of assembling an SET system around these speakers later down the road (Bottlehead amps, Wright Mono's, etc.). The Abby’s are slightly more efficient (97dB vs. 93dB) and might be easier to drive. Sources are an Audio Aero Prima and a Michell Tecnodec/DL103/Dino.

Thank you very much for your help.

Rene I use two Adire Ravas. My room isn't huge at all. 25x14 ft with a 10 ft vaulted ceiling. I have my speakers on the long wall roughly 7 ft apart. My subs are a few inches behind the speakers just to the right and left of the speaker stands. I sit 9 feet back and can't distinguish where the subs are in the room with my hearing.

Louis actually recommends the CSS CLARUS subs and the Adire Ravas with his speakers. Don't be caught up in the low price thing . These subs are true audiophile quality sounding units.If they weren't I would have sent the first one back and never considered a second unit. They are also dead quiet no humming. This is my pet peave !
Most think two subs or more in a room is overkill.
But the part they don't understand is running each sub off a different channel gives you low frequency presence in the music not boom and rumble.Looks like the 6moons reviewer on the Abbys has figured this out. He mentions it in the review.

If I ran these units both in mono it would probable give me a headache with too much bass. That's ok for movies though. :-)

If you notice the CSS CLARUS sub is actually an Adire based unit. The drivers come from Adire as well as the amplifier. Two of these units run in stereo would be nice with the FR speakers.

I use the 206E driver in my Omegas. They are more forward than the smaller drivers. They also beam more. But the key is tow in. Unlike multi driver speakers that really collapse when towed in too far. This speaker thrives on a severe tow in. You can actually bring the soundstage out infront of the speakers. Just by towing them out. The more your tow them in the further back the soundstage gets. The crazy thing is the soundstage width doesn't change at all.
The soundstage width is just as wide if you have them crossing behind you or crossing infront of you.

Changing drivers out in these types of speakers is a snap. Just undue the connections on the drivers and drop in another pair. You can go as far as changing to a different kind of driver to change the tonality of the speaker.

Tubes are terrific on these speakers. But I prefer my Clari T amp with dual sub outputs instead. It's got dynamics that no low wattage tube amplifier that I've heard can produce. The quieter the amplifier the better these speakers sound IMHO. I can tell you it doesn't get much quieter than using a battery powered amplifier. The ClariT also doesn't sound like a solid state amplifier either. Too me it falls down the middle between tubes and solid state. Louis at Omega liked it so much over his reference $2000 SS amplifier. He and Vinnie have teamed up on an amplifier called the Lotus. From what I gather so far it's basically a ClariT in a pimped out chassis with different binding post and a voltage meter.
Gmood1 - thanks for the info. Sounds like i've got of 'breaking in' to do - my 300B amp is new also...
Yeap Joey..fostex based speakers would be the perfect speakers for the nonbelievers in the breakin theory. If you can't hear the difference in these speakers after the first initial 100 hrs. You need to seriously look into a new hobby! :-)

Good luck and have fun !