Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R

It is finally time for me to ask some questions: I am completely stuck on the question of speakers: I am deliberating to wander off into single driver land. Any experiences and comparisons between the Abby's and Super 3's will be very helpful. Room size will be medium to small. Can you please tell me about your experiences with room placement of these speakers? Also, any comparison between the nearfield and the normal version of the Abby’s would be great.

Right now I only have a Jolida 302b tube amp with certainly enough, or even too much power. I am thinking of assembling an SET system around these speakers later down the road (Bottlehead amps, Wright Mono's, etc.). The Abby’s are slightly more efficient (97dB vs. 93dB) and might be easier to drive. Sources are an Audio Aero Prima and a Michell Tecnodec/DL103/Dino.

Thank you very much for your help.

...Un-frickin'-believeable. Especially when we plugged in my Nixon battery dac. Can you say paradigm shift? Apart from this one no other system at the show for under about $100k interested me, and even the couple that I liked still didn't have the tonal purity, clarity, and absolute dead silent background that Louis' & Vinnie's combo did.

Gmood, thanks for your suggestions of the Adire Rava subs. I will certainly look into that. If I would go with the Omega Super 3 I would surely add one or even two of these subs.

For know I would be using the EL34 based Jolida as the main amp to drive the Omega's or Abby's. I was thinking of getting the Sonic Impact T-amp to break in the speakers. I do not really want to run my tube amp 24/7 for 300 hours. I guess I should look at the Clari-T as well. It sound like it would be an excellent amp as well, either backup for my tube amp or as main amp.

So far great recommendations and great food for thought.

Thanks again.
Joey, what 300b amp are you getting for your single driver speakers? I would be very interested in hearing more about your experience once everything is broken in.

Best wishes and enjoy!

Rich (Rar1), thanks for your comments on the different cabinets. I will talk to Louis about the different options. Also, I will certainly use a tube amp: After getting the EL34 based Jolida about a year ago there is no way back to solid state. For the future, a 300b SET amp or similar is on my list

All the best.
