Vandersteen 5a tuning cd

I purchased a new pair of Vandersteen 5a's and the dealer came over and tuned them yesterday. I would like to keep a record the levels so if I make changes to the room I can see if it effects the speakers and how much also as they break in more to see if they go off at all. I asked my dealer for the CD and he told me it was for dealers only. Is there any way I can get a copy of this cd I am willing to pay for it. If anyone has one please email me.
I called Richard Vandersteen myself about the same thing and he told me the disc is the Stereophile test disc. That is the only disc he and the dealers use.
I see 3 disks the one he used had sweeping tones andy idear if that is one two or three?
I knew you could tune a guitar but not a speaker.
Where are the tuning pegs at?
If and when there are out of tune & you play clasical is the whole orchestra sound out of tune?
"Where are the tuning pegs at?"

The CD is used to set the 5a subwoofer's Q and its eleven-position equalizer, so tuning sounds good to me. By the way, the Stereophile 002 is a good one to use.