New speakers and excessive midrange

Got a new system together consisting of:

Linn Kremlin Tuner
Linn Genki CD
Dared VP-300B SET Monoblocks
Dared SL-2000 Preamp
Omega Grande 6R Speakers

System sounds OK, but there seems to be excessive midrange. Could this be a room problem or are the Omega's not fully broken in yet? Louis of Omega did some of the break-in for me (he's a great guy to buy speakers from, BTW - great customer service). Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for the all the responses! I do have a subwoofer (Earthquake SuperNova 10"). I also am upgrading the preamp to a TAD.
Joey, also if you would like to get my first impressions of the Omega's:

Omega Super 3 vs. Cain Abby

Have fun breaking them in...

"excessive midrange" might came from your Dared VP-300B SET Monoblocks and Dared SL-2000 Preamp combo and not the speakers themselves.
switch to some US or European 300B amps probably would resolve this issue.
Many of the Chinese amps are not very refined and clean.
That's why there is no high and lows because it is not capable of reproducing it correctly.