Speakers that work with Atma-sphere M60 amps.

A'goners,thanks for your help with the Preamp question. I currently am using Atma-sphere M60 MkII.2 amps with B&W CDM7SE speakers, sounds great to me! I keep hearing that I need to use speakers with higher sensitivity, and that don't dip below 8 ohms resistance. I would appreciate hearing what you think about good matches for these amps. My listening room is 18X12 and I listen in the nearfield. Thanks in advance.
Generally speaking, OTLs are going to be happier with higher impedance speakers and speakers with smooth impedance curves (no big dips, not a lot of complex phase shift in the crossover). Impedance is perhaps more important than high sensitivity. This is due to the typically higher output impedance of the OTLs. In the Atma-Sphere line, the increased number of tubes in the MA-1 makes it less subject to impedance challenges and the MA-2s are virtually immune. The M-60s use about 1db of negative feedback to lower the output impedance to make them compatible with more speakers of lower impedance, but users with highly OTL-compatible speakers often defeat this negative feedback for even better sonics from the M-60.

Your B&W CDM7SE speakers have a nominal impedance of 8ohms (4ohm minimum) and sensitivity of 90db. The sensitivity and nominal impedance are in a good range, but the 4ohm minimum is probably challenging your M-60s a bit, depending on where that minimum falls and how complex the crossover design is otherwise (phase shift, etc.). If you like the sound you're getting, one thing you might experiment with to increase your speaker impedance is a Paul Speltz "Zero" autoformer speaker impedance multiplier.

With all this being said, manufacturers who make speakers that are highly OTL-compatible and a good for the M-60s (and this may just be selected models within the manufacturers line) include:

Merlin (both the TSM and VSM, but the VSM will benefit from more power)
Reference 3A (the MM de Capo is a very nice match)

There are certainly others, but this is a starting point.
Speakers I've heard work well with the Atma-Sphere M60 include models from Classic Audio Reproductions, Omega, Quad (the 57's), Avantgarde, and the new GedLee "Summa". Disclaimer - I peddle some of these. While there are others that I'm sure would work well, these are the ones I've heard and especially enjoyed with M60's.
