A question to you all........

...how many of you will be attending the NY Audio Show at the Hilton on April 28-May 1st? Wouldn't it be interesting if we (all attending) included our "loggin name" by our real name? So I may be enjoying a room and I may question a visitor next to me and find out it is "sean" (or someone else?) who I have had some contact in the past?? Interesting?
ALSO...does anyone know if "SoundLabs" speakers will be there via manufacturer or dealer?? Also Von schweikert and Talon?
I will be the one cryin with snot bubbles commin out my nose after I see what I cant afford!
Albert thank god you held out to you professional standards and didnt give that very personal info out who would want any stranger calling you at who knows what hours.

By the way you take such wonderful photos I am a big fan could you email me any other photos you may have of this stacy so I could study them for there artistic value
This is great...we are getting some responses...I forgot to mention Schroder Arms?? Will Frank and his products be there?
Hey Albert...how are you...hope you are going again this year! If so....enjoy the show!
I too can only get there for at most one day. Any suggestions on the best way to see the most in limited time? Any recommendations as to Sat or Sun? I might be able to come down Friday PM and stay through til 3 or 4 on Sat. How much time is needed?