Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help

I have been playing with various speaker placements for the last several months and just can't seem to get the speakers to sound right. The frequency response bouncing all over. When I get the midrange to sound good, the bass sounds weak. When the bass sounds good, the midrange is lacking. The room size is 12x21 with the speakers on the short wall. Seeting possition is about 17feet from the front wall. I have to use the short wall because the room is also used for HT. My pre amp is an aragon soundstage and my amp is a pass labs x350. CD Player is an Anthem CD-1

Anyone in North Jersey (Rockaway) care to give me a hand ? I will supply the beer and load the grill with dogs & burgers.

With limited space, a couple of feet can make all the difference in the world with these speakers. Against my 13 ft wall, to get the 4a's seperated enough, they were almost touching the sidewalls. Having another another foot or two would have helped. With only 12 feet, Im afraid you are really pushing the envelope. Just get those sidewalls treated with some thick sound absorbant material and I would get the room corners taken care of as well. I hung up some plants in the corners and that did the trick. Can you other guys describe this baffle you're talking about? Does it extend out past the front of the speaker or does it just go from the front and straight up?
Cm..I think that you and I may have written before about the baffle atop the speaker..My baffle was adjustable for rake angle and extended from the top of the speaker to almost the ceiling.The baffle started at the top front edge of the speaker and extended up and back to the ceiling at 10 degrees.. Tom
I’m sorry to break this, but you will never get the potential of your IVa’s on the short wall! I have spent many years with my own IVa” and helping others here at Audiogon, and it’s just not possible with your room, to make then work well.
I can save you countless hours by telling you to move on to a different speaker, or set up on the long wall and reconfigure your home theater. Home theater should not dictate your speaker placement if you want the potential from the speakers. The speakers must come first.
Sorry, I’m not trying to be flippant here, I just know this as fact. If you care to take my advice I would follow the subsequent guideline. Your room is 12’x21’ due to the limited width; you’ll be forced to set the speakers 1/5th into the room, or in other words 2’-5” from the wall to the center of the tweeter. The side wall should be at least 1/3rd greater than 2’-5”, in other words no closer than 3’-3” from the center of the tweeter to the side wall. This would give you 14”-6” between tweeters. (You could reduce this amount by up to 1’-0”) Now if your seating position is 1/3rd of the dimension into the room, your ear should be 4’-0” from the back wall. This will put your ear approximately 9’-6” from the tweeter. Next you’ll want to look at toe in: for my speakers in a similar room, I can just see the inside face of the speaker, in other words someone looking down the plane of the inside face of the speaker is looking just behind my ear. If you follow this guideline you will be extremely close to magic, from this spot adjustments should be made in increments of 1/8” a time. It will not take long before the image snaps into place and given the above formula all the frequencies should be time cohesive and present in full spectrum.
If you simply can not do the long wall, sell the speakers, they simply were not designed to be placed the way you have them.