The planar transducer (the electrostatic or, in the case of Maggies, the electromagnetic diaphragm) weighs less per square foot than the air it has to move, which automatically gives these devices their always incredible transient response. This is what's so addicting, regardless of brand.
It's really not about those other (albeit important) issues of box, dipole, loading, dispersion, etc, etc. Sound once begun, travels relatively slowly, but sound initiates with almost the speed of light.
The electrostatic transducer was actually invented at Bell Laboratories prior to the invention of the electomechanical cone-type speaker. There was no mylar and the diaphram was made of cow intestine stretched over a frame with copper wires stapled to it. After a few days, it didn't smell so good and the idea was put aside :~))
It's really not about those other (albeit important) issues of box, dipole, loading, dispersion, etc, etc. Sound once begun, travels relatively slowly, but sound initiates with almost the speed of light.
The electrostatic transducer was actually invented at Bell Laboratories prior to the invention of the electomechanical cone-type speaker. There was no mylar and the diaphram was made of cow intestine stretched over a frame with copper wires stapled to it. After a few days, it didn't smell so good and the idea was put aside :~))