Speaker recommendation for Tube Setup $1500?

Hi. I currently have a pair of JBL L220 along with highly modified Dynaco ST-70/Bottlehead Foreplay.

Since I am moving to a smaller apartment, I am in the market of monitor size speakers.

Do you have any recommendation for new speakers?

I am thinking about Vandersteen 2Ce Sig, Theil 2.3, Sonus Faber, B&W, etc...

I don't need too much bass, but looking for wide/open soundstage.

Please advise.
Depending on budget, the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors are awesome, also I second the Totem, either Arro or Staff sound great in smaller rooms, I know since Totem always seems to sound great at CES despite having about 5 pairs of speakers in a room the size of a bathroom.
Agree on the Vandersteens. I have the 3A Sigs with Rouge tube Pre amp/SS amp, and very nice results. The Vandersteens will provide a very wide soundstage.
Audes Blues. No question. Especially for EL-34 setups.

I love mine: http://www.ajazi.com/stereo.cfm

And you can get them used for less than $1500.

George Ajazi