Epos Vs. Neat

I am on the verge of picking up new speakers after about a year of being without (I've posted relatively recently about this)...

...I had pretty much settled on Epos M12.2's. I like their speed, accuracy in the midrange (vocals are beautiful) and punchy sound (will be used in a relatively small room).

The other day, however, I passed by the shop where I plan to make the purchase and there was a guy there auditioning the Neat Mystiques and Ruark speakers (don't know the model - i think Sabre IIIs or something)...

The Neats really caught my attention. They have excellent clarity, are very fast, punchy and musical ... best of all, they play music. There is just something about the way the put the music together that makes you want to groove no matter WHAT you're listening to. The Epos do this as well, but to a lesser extent.

The thing is, the Neats are a tad costly for me (twice the price of the Epos) and I'd still have to make cable switches etc. to get them to sound right at home (I'll have to do the same with the Epos, but they're a lot cheaper so adding cost of cables is not such a big deal).

I wonder if i could get some opinions from any of you... Should I purchase the Epos and stay within my current budget? Should I hold off for a few more months and get the Neats? Further, which would likely work better with my associated equipment (listed below)?

Anyone have experience with both of these speakers? with either of these speakers?

any comments and/or suggestions would be very much appreciated.


A poor man with an expensive addiction.

assoc. equip:

Unison Research Unico (stock)
Rotel 971 cd
Link Dac III, half nelson with upsampling.
cables: up in the air
I am like you..poor and addicted, if you are wondering about purchase lesser of the two now or hold off and buy I would have to ask if you get the lesser, would you be already behind the 8 ball and wanting to upgrade? maybe now that you have heard what really gets your feet tappin you should try to hold off and buy the better speakers, unless your an up-grade freak then throw all my ramble out the door lol...just my 2 cents, there is always gonna be better, but if you buy "point A" and really want to be at "point B"....does that make sense? either way have fun!
There are several things to consider other than simply choosing speaker A or B. What equipment were driving the Epos and Neats? Were they similar to your setup? The Neats may sound great with a hi-end Naim system, but vastly different with yours. A home demo would be ideal.

Also, I would think an audition of the M15.2 would be in order to make an accurate apples to apples comparison.

Finally, how small is your room? While the Neats are designed for cozy English dens, they do like some distance between them.

your post made me laugh my ass off (cuz it's soooo true!). I've gone through gear like a freak of nature. Started when I was 13 or 14 ...and just EXPLODED. Went through the l'il 'good ghetto blaster' to Energy ESM4's with Nad gear...then off to Adcom then Counterpoint... Speakers went to a variety of speakers (mostly NHT)...

but i think what the next poster said is the route I should follow too...(if you read his, you'll know what i mean)..

gotta try em at home first...That's a LOT of money for me to shell out on speakers... (as sad as that is). He's also right in comparing M15.2 to the Mystiques as that's only fair...