Actually, he had them driven at different times by various amps. I believe I first heard them with Naim (as per your assumption). But most recently, I heard them with what Steve calls 'one of the best integrated amps you can possibly get' - an LFD (Mistral) amp.
Don't get me wrong - my setup sounds nice. I just know that it's capable of more.
Of course, I'm always open to suggestion with respect to equipment...although I really do like the Unico (it's so beautifully built). Steve sent me an email telling me that he had a similar issue at his own place and assured me he can correct the bass problem. I have faith in his ability to do so.
I'll see what we can come up with and if system switches are in order, I just may have some equipment up for sale.
Don't get me wrong - my setup sounds nice. I just know that it's capable of more.
Of course, I'm always open to suggestion with respect to equipment...although I really do like the Unico (it's so beautifully built). Steve sent me an email telling me that he had a similar issue at his own place and assured me he can correct the bass problem. I have faith in his ability to do so.
I'll see what we can come up with and if system switches are in order, I just may have some equipment up for sale.