from 87db to 90 db ?

is there a way to make your speakers more sensitive ?
im interrested in a pair but they are 87db, i would prefer them if they were 90 - 94 db
The answer to your question is no, unless you want to make major changes to them.

Sensitivity is basically a function of the drivers and the crossover with some contribution from the cabinet. You could increase the sensitivity by making appropriate changes to these, but you would also change how they sound. Unless you really know what you are doing you are going to end up with a mess.

If these are the speakers you want and they are not sensitive enough for what you have then you need more power.
Yes, Albert, that is it!

AR has a lot of information out there all over the place. They make a lot of claims about this or that, yet nothing about the loudness effect. It was funny that I never heard anything that they said it would do, but they never have advertised the one thing I have found it to do. On top of this, as Music Direct writes, it is completely passive.

Again, when it seems to effect the sound in a negative way, it makes it BAD. But, if one is lucky to have appear "transparent", the gain in volume would be a serious boon to a low power devotee.