Sonus Faber

Need, advise on integrating a "SUB" into the equation. Great speakers, just got them, But a little shy on the bass... What if any, SUB ('s) should be considered? have the room for a stereo set up, if necessary? Have been thinking about the New Thiel "Smart Sub", or REL "Stentor III's" or...But, this is the first time around with the Sonus Fabers (two ways) The Cremona floor standers I had didn't require the extra punch. Any advise or experience will be of great help before I spend the bucks. Thanks to all for the effort.
I have a REL Stentor III matched up with a pair of Sonus Faber Extremas and they are perfect together and were quite easy to drop in to my system.
The sound is totally fluid from top to bottom with no seams, disjuncts or bumps.
I would highly recommend the REL Stentor III's.
Good Luck,
I used the Guarneris with a Rel Strata III. This is a sealed box design and is very quick with appropriate adjustments for proper blending. The cherry finish actually looks OK near the Guarneri too.