48Hz floorstanders with a 40Hz sub cutoff is indeed quite close. Close enough that I'd want a home demo before committing my money.
I'd hold out for a used REL. I bought mine used several years ago and they still sell for what I paid (about $800), so it's a bit like money in the bank (particularly with current interest rates !).
The velodyne DD series do seem to be almost universally thought to be better than the REL strata, but they are much more expensive .... I guess you pay your money and take your choice.
I'd hold out for a used REL. I bought mine used several years ago and they still sell for what I paid (about $800), so it's a bit like money in the bank (particularly with current interest rates !).
The velodyne DD series do seem to be almost universally thought to be better than the REL strata, but they are much more expensive .... I guess you pay your money and take your choice.