Please Reccomend Good speakers for $2000 - $2500

I have been an avid audiophile for quite some time and am looking to upgrade my speakers. I am unfortunately on a very tight budget. I have a Cambridge Audio Azur 640C CD player, and a 120 wpc NAD integrated amp. Cardas Cross cabling throughout, and a Monster 5100 Power Conditioner. Currently I am using Definitive Technology (stifle the groans please :) Power Monitor 700's on Sumiko Stands. They are the best speaker I've ever had, but nowhere near the best I've ever heard. I would sell them and some other stuff lying around, chip in some more dough and upgrade. It is a small room, and I tend to prefer soft tweeters and Danish drivers in general but I am open to ANY AND ALL reccomendations. I am not afraid to go used either. Thanx :)
Green Mountain Audio Callisto's are an excellant value and performance. I have owned Eminent Technology LFTIII and LFTVIII and the Green Mountain Callisto's are in a category of their own. They are bottom ported, throw a huge sound stage and you don't have to be in the prefered "sweet spot" to enjoy them. $2295 for the pair, the best monitor I have owned. Read the GMA forums and the review:

Good luck!
I would suggest you audtion a pair of MG-1.6s that sell for about $1900.00 and are still one of the great bargains of the audiophile world. They have many wonderful sonic virtues and offer much of the performance of much more expensive speakers. I agree with what Chadnliz said about the ET-LFT VIIIA, their also terrific speakers at a killer price, but when I audtioned both speakers I found the Maggies to be slighty more cohesive top to bottom than the ETs because of the ET-LFT VIIIAs use of a bass cone driver along with planar panel. Both have the planar "magic" of sounding more like real music and would bring you great pleasure. Hope this helps.
Since you have a small room, I will recommend smallish speakers (unlike some others above). I have gotten to really like the Totem Hawks. They have excellent bass for their size and very impressive imaging. But there are too many good choices. I would visit your local dealer(s) and see what they have. It may be worth the drive.... Arthur
MEADOWLARK speakers. they just went out of business BUT it could be a great chance to steal a set of killer speakers. btw, they are some of the best looking speakers i have seen and really add a touch of class to a sound system. i have the kestral 2 speakers driven by a newer 150watt nad and they work very well together. playboy mag picked them for a $20,000 dream stereo... not bad considering they retailed for $2k new! granted playboy is not the most respected of reviewers but many qualified reviews have raved about the meadowlark line for years.
The Vandersteen Model 2 is a sure fit. Make sure you audition it and the Maggies before you make a decision! Both are the best values in the price range and they are VERY different.
Good luck!