Focal JM Labs Electra 937 Be vs Electra 946

I was looking to buy an Electra 946, based on previous auditions that impressed me favorably to say the least. A local dealer raved that the sonic virtues of the 937 Be far exceed the 946's. Reluctantly, I agreed to purchase a 937 Be.
I have not yet heard these loudspeakers. I find the specs on the 946 to be much impresive.
Have I made a good purchase? Has anyone made a listening comparison of these two speakers and give me their opinion?
You shouldn't ask these questions after the purchase. ;)

I think you made the right choice. I know a dealer that went from 926 to 937be and said the improvement was significant. Also, the narrower cabinet of the 937 will improve the imaging over the very-wide 946. I compared my 926 to the 946 directly and the former had more impressive and stable imaging which won me over. I think you will be very happy with your decision unless your room is huge.

Also, I have a lot of experience with the VR4jr and I feel the Electras are head and shoulders above them. The Electras are much more refined and are considerably more resolving. This leads me to my final point: Be warned that the Electras will let you hear your equipment very clearly - if anything upstream has shortcomings, they will be made audible. The VR4jrs won't do that.

I think you made a great choice. I would love a pair of 937Bes myself. Take care, Arthur
Hi Aball: thank you for your response. Your comments, however, raised another concern. I you look at my posted system, you'll see that I own a pair of odyssey mono extremes. Do you think these are too powerful and could damage the 937 Be's? I am not sure about the output power on the extremes but is somewhere between 250-280 wtts.
Not to worry - your ears will blow out before you even get to 150W on the Electras. My only suggestion would be to not wear any ear muffs while listening. :)