"Justin, I am amazed that you can get "excellent" results in a room "half the size?" From my experience, speakers of this size need oodles of room, to breathe, for "excellent" results. IMHO"
Hi Warrenh,
Yes, I get excellent sound in my 12 x 15 room with the Watts/Puppies 5. They do not really have big sizes (only big price tags, unfortunately) and they are specifically designed for near-field listening. I place the speakers along the short axis of the room (one to two feet away from all boundaries) and use the rule of third to position the speakers and my listening spot along the long axis of the room. The sound from the Watts/Puppies 5 blends immediately in front of the speakers so that as you sit at the top of the equilateral triangle that you form with your toed-in speakers the holographic effect is quite palpable, especially with a digital switching amp. The huge sound stage is thrown several feet behind and beyond the sides of the speakers! That's also the closest I've come with cone speakers to the speed and inner details of electrostatic speakers without the bass and image-size limitations of the latter.
The Velodyne DD-15 has an amazingly small foot-print (18" x 18" x 20"H) that belies it's powerful impact. With the myriad of sound adjustments, it can be perfectly tailored to disappear in a small room like mine--the DD-18 would have over-powered the room.
So overall, the combination of Watts/Puppies 5 and Velodyne DD-15 is just about the perfect system for my pocket-size listening room.