Jumping in with both feet, VSM-MM

After listening to friends Merlins TSM-MM in my system and talking with Bobby, I have decided to jump in with both feet. I have ordered a pair of Merlin VSM-MM. The only concern I have is the BAM. My Atma-Sphere MP3 pre amp and M60 OTL amps are balanced. I want to run the BAM in the tape loop, which is unbalanced, so I can use the buffer stage in the pre map to drive the 35-foot innerconnects to the M60 amps.
Do you see any problems doing this?
I am to the understanding that either the MX or the MM can come with a tube or SS harness. The only differnce between the MX and MM is finish.
Is this correct?

Tube or ss harness ~ not part of the current range ie. MM or MX.Part of the previous models.

Difference between MM and MX ~ Finish,Q(damping ),price,waiting period , suitabillity to current amp and any future amp plans.

I guess Bobby would recommend Cardas Golden Reference cabling for your setup.

If I were you and I had the Atma-Sphere amplification,I would go for the MX version.


Chris is right. Note #2 on the pricing page within the Merlin website just needs updating (i.e. removed). The choice of the T (tube) or S (solid state) "internal wiring harnesses" option WAS an option with the VSM-M.
