Apogee Duetta Signature or Mini Grand?

It seems that both of these speakers can be had for around the same price (around $2,000). Any one have experience with both of these models? Which one did you prefer and why? Thanks for your time and assistance.

I had the Stage with no stands or subs & thought it is wonderful on its own. It produces the most natural vocals you will ever hear, but it is not a very revealing speaker. But it is what it is, & does it's own thing with no apologies. It will give you great listening even with modest upstream equipment as long as it lasts. Mine eventually was afflicted with a buzzing woofer (1 channel) that could never be fixed after repeated tries. For $2000, go for it; it may be the greatest bargain in high-end.
I don't know about the Mini Grand, but I owned Apogee Duetta Signatures long ago and still regret having sold them.
Hey Mike

If you would like to contact me I can put you in touch with a couple of fairly new Duetta Sig owners...I don't think they would mind answering a few questions that may help you.

One owner has replaced Maggie 1.6's and also compared Maggie 3.5's to his Duetta Sig's.

The other Duetta Sig owner drives his with Threshold S550e amp...I see you have a Threshold amp also.


I would definitely appreciate speaking with your contacts. I will e-mail you directly to get your contact information. Thanks again.


I see that you are driving your Duetta Sigs with the KSA250 - have you heard the S550e with the Duettas?
I have been considering a short list to audition:
KSA250, S550e and ML 23.5. Any thoughts?
