Apogee Duetta Signature or Mini Grand?

It seems that both of these speakers can be had for around the same price (around $2,000). Any one have experience with both of these models? Which one did you prefer and why? Thanks for your time and assistance.

OK, Sogood51 and Muralman1 - THE Apogee gurus here - what do you guys think about the Apogee Caliper Signature for my room and loudness preferences?

If it's a go, I'd probably contact Henry Ho about moving on one of his creative amplifiers. At that point, it would make sense to pay him a visit at his convenience down in Virginia.

Thank you very much for your sage advice,
Treja, I have heard the Analysis ribbon speakers, in a rather awful room for
dipoles. The Analysis speakers can go very loud, and not loose composure.
They excel in detail, separation, and attack. The bass is not in the same
league as that of the large Apogees. They are suppose to be reviewed at
6Moons, although that has been a long time coming.

I think all Apogees are marvelous. I got to hear the Caliper in the same room I
heard Scintillas. That was at Keith Yates audio heaven. Keith played
Vollenweider's Cave disc opening. I thought the drops were falling from the
ceiling. I wouldn't put them in the same league as the Duetta Sigs. They don't
go quite as high, or as low. Their prices reflect that disparity.

I know what Sogood is saying about the Duetta's ribbon twist going loud. I
can't say for sure that may be amp related. We are talking very loud. In a 13'
by 15' room, I doubt you will be cranking Apogees up.

The Duettas are Dorothy Hamil. The Stage speakers are Tara Lipinski. The
Caliper is a bit of a Tonya. All can be delightful. Which one is better is a
matter of taste, and pocket book.

You don't need power house amps for those three gals. I ran all tubes on my
Stage speakers, and a 150 watt Pass X150 on the Duetta.

The H2O is my amp, and everyone knows that. Do pay Henry a visit. You will
hear the Queen of Apogees, the Scintilla. I think he also has Duettas,
Calipers, and MiniGrands. Some may have been given away.

Good luck

Hi Joe

You problems as I see them:

You will need at least 3' placement from the wall...more would be even better.

You will need at least 6' between the panels, the panels are 28" wide each. This places us around 1' from each side wall if we use the 13' wall...while the side wall is not as big a problem with the dipoles as other speakers...the corners are.

Placement further into the room and away from the corners may help this...maybe not enough.

The Duetta Sig's are 59" tall...the Caliper Sig's are 48" tall, the other measurements are pretty much the same.

You may find near-field listening to help ease some of the problems you may have...a plus, is that most Apogees sound very good this way...much like quads or Soundlabs.

I agree with Vince, volume levels will be MORE than enough in that room...my room is over 5,000 cubic feet.

Is this a dedicated room we are talking about?

Thank you for the advice, gentlemen. You both are the most knowledgeable people here on Audiogon regarding Apogees, by far.

Dave, the dimensions you worked out are just about right. I have pretty much placed all of my speakers about 3.5' - 4' out into the room, with about 6' - 7' between them. Though they seem closer to the walls, one of the walls is actually an opening into another room. I have always preferred to listen in the nearfield, with the speakers toed in considerably - aiming right at me. And, yes, this is, for all intents and purposes, a dedicated listening room (in the guise of a "sitting room").

I have heard that both placement, and vertical angle were keys to getting most Apogees, these Calipers Signatures included. 48" tall is probably ideal for me. While Divas are obviously out, it sounds like the Duetta Signatures also fall into that category - unfortunate!

It sounds like volume will be no problem. One thing I have always heard from people quite in tune with Apogees is that, despite what most think, the bass is absolutely concussive. That's exactly how I like mine.

Vince, I will definitely see if Henry will have me over. If I am lucky enough to end up with this pair, his amps are already on my shortlist. Partly from following you in these threads over time. Tonya Harding and Tara Lipinski?!? I'd be more than a little happier with things if the Stages and Caliper Signatures were Surya Bonaly and Kristi Yamguchi. Dorothy Hamil sure is good enough, however.

Wish me luck!
I would not be too concerned about the room dimensions (for the Stage w/o the subs, at least). Mine were less than 2-feet from the wall behind them, and although the soundstage (depth) may have suffered a little, I really never cared or thought they boomed (as subsequent dynamic speakers did). They were pointed straight with no toe-in.
I sat 8 feet away.