This is an intersting thread from the standpoint of seeing how much disposable income audiophiles have. I often tell friends (of whom none are real audiophiles) that we as a group are no richer than any oher, it's just that we spend an innordanant amount on our stereos.
After reading some of this thread, I'm not so sure I am right, based on all the nice vehicles mentioned. Is there any other study that mentions what we as a group make in comparison to the general population?
ANyway I drive a 6 speed RX8 - and live in mahattan to boot. So there!!! People can question my sanity from an audio and a transportation point of view!
And I would probably fall toward the lower income end of this group, though if I sell one TV show concept that could change radically! (most of it going into my system probably though - leaving me right back where I started, LOL)