Omega speakers

I recently switched from a pair of B&W monitors to single driver speakers (Omega Super 3R). I love the sound of it, especially the midrange. But the best thing was when my girlfriend said to me, "That sounds a lot better than your other speakers". I asked her how and she said that it sounded more life-like. This is coming from someone who thinks her mini ipod is the end-all-be-all.

Anybody using a subwoofer with these little speakers? If so, which one?


Hi Gmood1, as always, thanks for all the suggestions. I actually have never had a chance to listen to a Lowther based speaker and the LT-2000 looks like a good entry into that. I wonder whether the Abby's can easily modified for a Lowther driver!? I actually have the Abby's already on order, they should be arriving any time soon. I just love the looks and the sound of the Abby's. I'll keep you updated on how things turn out.

Doc, already any ideas which direction (sub) you are going to choose?

All the best,


The Abby is a 1/4-wave Voight pipe here's a schematic on the TWL Mod Lowther Voight Pipe. Not sure the exact dimensions of the Abbys. But they do look similar.His model does use a larger driver than what's found in the Abbys.
TWL is a member of may want to ask him. He seems to have alot of time involved in projects like these.
Have fun!
The above advice re: the Brine's MLTL's is worth noting. They are very good speakers. Not financially ruinous either!