Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.

Give them some more time to break as they will continue to improve over time. Ask your wife what she thinks after 100 hours or so
The following is a quote from a lengthy list of FAQ's on the Van Den Hul Website:

"3-8 Q: What is the so-called “burning-in” of a cable ?

A: Any cable’s conductors consist of many groups of atoms, clustered in crystals or atom clusters. The borders between these crystals or clusters are critical zones where electron movements are hindered when the condition of these boundaries is getting worse. This worsening takes place e.g. when your loudspeaker cable is moved every day and/or chemical activity is around - latter amplified by higher humidity levels, elevated temperatures and air pollution. Also imperfections in the cable insulation can trigger conductivity changes.
Burning-in is the effect that, despite any affected crystal borders, the sound quality improves again thanks to electron movement through conducting zones like so-called electron tunnels. But... when you move a cable again, those tunnels are “broken” and you then have to start again by playing your music. You may wonder why (especially) on Sunday evening the music sounds so good again, this after a week with plenty of sound problems. Your cables finally are burned-in. But as soon as the killing Hoover (vacuum cleaning) hour on Monday morning comes and the over-active cleaning lady messes about with your cables, the problem returns: your cables are “burned-out” again, remaining that way until the following Sunday..."
Yeah, my father-in-law is a do everything DIY kind of guy; only problem is is he is a huge procrastinator with everything always half done. Leeds helped my wife though, she has fond memories, remembers the odor well, gave her a big chuckle. She is anxious to move in to our new home, get settled and start building the AN Kit-1. Ultimately, I believe we will end up with AN speakers you own. Elrog 300Bs.

In the meantime we are going to mod the Coincident Dynamo 34SE as well as the Tekton M-Lore speakers. I'm going to re-wire with WE16ga. Do you have any suggestions for the caps in this speaker? Anyone?
Yes, Jupiter copper foils are the first choice followed by Jupiter flat stacked aluminum caps. The latter is warmer and not as resolving, but very organic and full of body and weight. These are much less expensive. The copper foil Jupiter are more resolving and pure. They are more money, but not near the price of the great Duelund caps.
Be sure to get 20% off these caps by buying from Sonic Craft as they usually offer that or you can ask. If your speaker has any resistors, then get Path Audio resistors from Parts Connextion. They are simply the best I have heard, even better than Duelund or Mills etc....