My current room is 17.5w x 26L x 9h. I have the 20.7's angled in a bit with
the tweeter ribbons to the outside (yes, this gives a very slightly less
focused center image but it helps spread the sound field even further left
amd right; I like the 'big' soundfield). The inside edges of the 20's are 7'
from the front wall, the outside edges are 7'-9".
I am getting ready to build a new house and I have the opportunity to
design an even larger dedicated listening room. Initially it was going to be
19w x 29L x 11h. Further design changes and roof issues may allow me to
expand the room width by 2 additional feet, so width would be 21'.
So, at 3ft longer and 2.5ft wider I am thinking that I will be tempted to pull
the 20.7's another foot or three into the room. Since it is a purpose
designed, dedicated room I can put my listening chair anywhere (as long as
it works accoustically for good sound).
the tweeter ribbons to the outside (yes, this gives a very slightly less
focused center image but it helps spread the sound field even further left
amd right; I like the 'big' soundfield). The inside edges of the 20's are 7'
from the front wall, the outside edges are 7'-9".
I am getting ready to build a new house and I have the opportunity to
design an even larger dedicated listening room. Initially it was going to be
19w x 29L x 11h. Further design changes and roof issues may allow me to
expand the room width by 2 additional feet, so width would be 21'.
So, at 3ft longer and 2.5ft wider I am thinking that I will be tempted to pull
the 20.7's another foot or three into the room. Since it is a purpose
designed, dedicated room I can put my listening chair anywhere (as long as
it works accoustically for good sound).