TAD CR-1 ?

Please tell me your opinion if you've heard them. Have you owned them and moved on? Do you have them now? What amp/preamp are you using? What speaker are you considering to replace them?

What amplifier are you using with your TAD speakers?

I have been wondering if the CR-1s would work with my Lamm ML 2.1 SETs. Thanks.


I think TAD recommends about 2 feet as a minimum. That's where I have mine. Yes, they are front ported and I think 18 inches will be fine. I'd have to try it at 18 inches and hear how it sounds.


I use a Dartzeel 108, CJ ART monoblocks, the Job 225, and a Carver Black Magic for fun. The Carver is a little underpowered but if you lower your standards a little, it can sound really good. I think the Lammms you have might be fine. The TADs are 86 dB at 4 ohms but a fairly easy load. The Job has me surprised. I am enjoying it more than any other solid state amp so far.

I had a Dagostino Momentum and that was outstanding. Certainly one of the best.
10-15-13: Joeinid writes:
I had a Dagostino Momentum and that was outstanding.
I bet - that's a wonderful amp with incredible dynamics.

86dB and 4 Ohms is probably a bit much for me, but thanks a lot for responding.
