Weiss is so underrated

I have had the Weiss DAC 202 in my system for about a year now being used in a very ambitious and high resolution system. But then I got that typical audiophile itch and given that this DAC was the lowest priced component in my system, I thought that it was time for me to focus on a new DAC. So with the help of some friends and a local deal I got the following DACs to try in my system for an extended period of time: Berkeley Audio DAC 2 + Alpha USB, Calyx Femto, PS Audio PerfectWave DAC2 and DCS Vivaldi.

The Berkeley was the most analog sounding DAC and had great image focus. In comparison when inserting the Femto I could immediately hear a slight loss of focus on the location of instruments or voices. The Berkeley also has a very little electronic signature in high frequencies which is very impressive, especially at this price point.

The Femto DAC is quite an impressive machine with a well balanced sound. It is a substantial leap over the PS Audio DAC in every way. The Femto has a sound that should work well in virtually any system although it is a little on the dry side. But ultimately it's lack of tight focus of images bothered me.

While the Berkeley has a terrific analog sound and no matter how much you dissect it there is very little if anything that one can fault about his DAC, there is something about it that I found just doesn't suck you into the music. I often found my attention wandering and being distracted while listening to it.

The Vivaldi is by far the most expensive in the group and while it was impressive at a lot of things, in particular how it was able to remain composed during complex passages, it has a certain bright sound that just sounds very artificial to me. It has that sound that is remarkable for audiophile demo discs, but when just listening to music you enjoy I found it to be disappointing overall.

The PS Audio doesn't even come close to any of the DACs in this group. It sounds lifeless, flat, and dull in comparison. Any experienced listener will hear this right away. Beautifully made machine with great specs, but it just doesn't deliver the musical goods at all. I would say that it sounds like kind of how CD players sounded in the early 90s.

But let me tell you, the Weiss despite its relatively low price point beat every DAC in this group, including the mighty Vivaldi. It's soundstage is absolutely massive, much wider and deeper than the other DACs which makes it feel like you are listening in a much larger space (the opposite of Berkeley). And then it also has this incredible airiness that is very special to hear. Images float on silky smooth and airy presentation which is supported by a very dynamic foundation. It is just a thrill to listen to this DAC. The bass is also the most dynamic (although not very deep) that I heard which gives everything far more rhythm and pace.

So the conclusion is the Weiss 202 is a very serious piece of equipment, a remarkable bargain, and probably one of the best DACs out there regardless of price. Has anyone else done an direct A/B comparison with the Weiss? Does your opinion mirror mine?
Nglazer, show me a SINGLE impressive or state of the art system that uses the PS Audio DAC. I've really only seen the PS Audio in budget systems by people who are just starting out in audio.
Dweinstein, glad you are happy with your DAC. As your posts make clear, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. But a $100K system really is not "state of the art". Report back when you have $250K invested in it and we will all be suitably impressed.
Mcondon is SOOOO easily impressed. a mere $250,000???. that should be for cables alone!!!!!

i'll need to see a 1 MILLION DOLLAR system before i'm impressed !! =)

after all....it is all about the money spent isn't it???

so....not only does D live in an echo-chamber.....it's a very small echo chamber to boot. you don't get out much do ya D??. the more you post....the more it sounds like you're the one "just getting started in audio".
Mcondom, I didn't claim to have a state of the art system (although most people would consider that I do). But if you look at the top systems either used by reviewers, studios, or experienced audiophiles, none of them to my knowledge use the PS Audio DAC. You can basically buy the PS Audio from the Audio Advisor catalog and they will sell you speakers to match. That is typically the caliber of systems that use PS Audio.

On the other hand, I am just trying to make the point that the Weiss delivers remarkable performance for the money. So you don't have to be rich to own one. It's only a little bit more expensive that the PS Audio but can compete with units at just about any cost. The only DAC that I have heard that surpasses the Weiss is the EMM Labs DAC 2X, but it doesn't have a volume control.

But the Weiss makes the Medea and I am drooling over that unit...That will be my next purchase. Trust me guys, if you are on a budget the Weiss is the way to go. When I originally said it was underrated I meant that while it is already highly rated many dont know how good it actually is.
Levy03, all I have done is stated some thoughts based on extensive evaluation about a product. You on the other hand are aggressively attacking me personally, I don't know why you are desperate to defend the PS Audio DAC - perhaps you are in some way connected to the manufacturer or you are worried about the resale value of your unit.

However, it is silly to think that everything in audio is just a matter of opinion. If that was the case, I could just make a crappy DAC that costs $20 to make, put it in a shiny box, and put a $30,000 price tag on it. Then all I would have to do is find enough people with the opinion that it is the most amazing piece of equipment they ever heard.

Of course reality doesn't work like. Some manufacturers (like Weiss) pour literally years of passion and innovation into their products and clearly that results in better sound.

So better sound is better sound, it is not just a matter of opinion. Therefore I can tell you with confidence that my comments about PS Audio being a below average product with poor sound are actually fact, not just opinion.

A Krell amplifier sounds better than a Yamaha receiver - another fact, not opinion.