Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q

Anyone try this; or the reverse?
Lacee, have you experimented since installing the 20 amp dedicated line? I did and found my conditioners to be still invaluable. I believe on oversize transformer such as my 2Q also has reserves of power. My 200 watt amp never drew more than 3-4 amps on loud music through my 90db efficient speakers. Equitech has technical info online.
I was running both my amps on one of the dedicated lines and my front end gear on the other.
I was running the amp line into a Furutech GTX D R-then to a Hydra 8 with an Annaconda 20 amp power cord then 2 Annaconda power cords out of the Hydra and into the amps.

I went to direct line from the panel to the amps with only a Furutech F! 48 at the end of the lines going into a Furutech Rodium !EC at the amps end.

Much simpler and in my system, cleaner sound.

I put the Furman in my HT separate system,also on a dedicated 20 amp line.

All is good.
Are you saying the Hydra 8 was of no benefit?
Did your Furman benefit your HT system? In which ways?
What did you do with your Hydra 8?