Your statement regarding the, "ultimate" power
cord being found a Home Depot, has me wondering if you
actually believe research has been static since your
schooling, back in the day. I would think these guys(or
their customers) might take issue:
( The results of the
circuit mods, as outlined, would neither be subjective OR
subtle. ie: The TacT RCS 2.2X preamp(a very well designed
digital unit) that I am presently using, was modded
similarly(the Bellesons weren't available then), the
improvements: obvious to anyone within earshot and much more
like the real thing(the common reaction). I feel no need to
enter a pissing contest regarding my
schooling/degrees/experience, or the guitars I've
owned(always loved the old Les Pauls, but only had a '69
Fender Strat, under the couch for a while). However,
addressing the topic: I would bet that you've never compared
any actual, "high-end" power cords(let's just call
that, over $300), with your Home Depot cord, or auditioned a
component, with it's power supply circuit modded as
outlined(be honest now). The total price of the components
listed(on sale at Parts Connexion), for Mr P's unit, would
come in under $100.00(minus the cord and fuse upgrades). If
he limits himself to your advice, he will rob himself of
much musical pleasure(not to mention the gratification of
personally performing the operation). I always manage to
enjoy the music, but- I refuse to settle for what a
manufacturer's R & D department's budget may have limited
them to. Raw electronic components have evolved and vastly
improved over the years. I like to keep up. Help yourself
to the ubiquitous 'Last Word', if you feel the need. Happy
cord being found a Home Depot, has me wondering if you
actually believe research has been static since your
schooling, back in the day. I would think these guys(or
their customers) might take issue:
( The results of the
circuit mods, as outlined, would neither be subjective OR
subtle. ie: The TacT RCS 2.2X preamp(a very well designed
digital unit) that I am presently using, was modded
similarly(the Bellesons weren't available then), the
improvements: obvious to anyone within earshot and much more
like the real thing(the common reaction). I feel no need to
enter a pissing contest regarding my
schooling/degrees/experience, or the guitars I've
owned(always loved the old Les Pauls, but only had a '69
Fender Strat, under the couch for a while). However,
addressing the topic: I would bet that you've never compared
any actual, "high-end" power cords(let's just call
that, over $300), with your Home Depot cord, or auditioned a
component, with it's power supply circuit modded as
outlined(be honest now). The total price of the components
listed(on sale at Parts Connexion), for Mr P's unit, would
come in under $100.00(minus the cord and fuse upgrades). If
he limits himself to your advice, he will rob himself of
much musical pleasure(not to mention the gratification of
personally performing the operation). I always manage to
enjoy the music, but- I refuse to settle for what a
manufacturer's R & D department's budget may have limited
them to. Raw electronic components have evolved and vastly
improved over the years. I like to keep up. Help yourself
to the ubiquitous 'Last Word', if you feel the need. Happy