why do cd players "sometimes" not read a disc?

My Lexicon RT-20 is sometimes refusing to read a disc that has just been playing?
The RT 20 is a killer player. I would consider a 'tune up' if it is older than 5 years.
Czarivey, one of my USB external drive died but luckily it was backed up. It cost $89 so no big deal but if a CD player drive dies, a different story. Back up your music!
Thanks Jafant. I have been pleased with its sound; but I found it benefited "dramatically" with ac isolation and conditioning.
I found conditioning and isolating the ac provided a quite remarkable transformation.
It makes me very curious about what internal parts related to power supply should be upgraded, and how.
I find moving the disc around in the tray can result
in it playing. What gives????? Can it be dirt on the laser?