Bridging EAR 890's

Thinking of adding another 890 to the system and wondering if anyone has experience with this set up. I have a pair of Tyler Acoustic monitors with matching 500 watt powered subs. They are rated at 8 ohm. My preamp is a EAR 912. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.
EAR=Ridiculously overpriced equipment. Same as Music First Audio passive preamps. Sound great, but better can be had for less....much less.
Then don't buy it!

Knghifi, I bought my first EAR product brand new. It was Tim's 834 integrated and it retailed for $3,600 17 years ago. In the past I've spent $490 on an Lightspeed passive preamp and $1,150 on a Will Vincent modified Dynaco ST-70. Throw in a pair of interconnects (at a reasonable price), and at under $2,000, that combo smoked the 834 in terms of air, transparency, midrange warmth and bass articulation. The price on the 834 has gone up considerably in 17 years.
All I can say is more $$ != superior sound. Also there are always issues of compatibility between your components. If you have a 1 watt $999999999 amp, it will not drive an inefficient speaker.

With all the hype, I bought a Lightspeed and sold it after a month. I'm not bashing the Lightspeed but you do get what you paid for. Compare to my active pre, it's inferior in every aspect. Even though my active that I bought new retails $18000, it's great value to ME with the quality of sound it provides.

For ~2 years period, I was using all Synergistic ICs and SCs and eventually all Apex. Then I found a cable much less expensive and superior sound in my system. I sold all the SR and just a SR Apex bi-wire SC covered my cost for 2 pairs of SC and a IC. SR is overpriced to me and don't have to deal with all the MPC wires.

Bottom line is everything is overpriced if it doesn't work in your system and the value of a product is independent of the price.
Knghifi.......what in the hell are you talking about?!?!? Both quotes you listed were from me...ok. In both I'm saying that EAR is overpriced (ok, in the grand scheme of things, everything is but for the sake of argument...). You then say, "All I can say is more $= superior sound". ??? What??? That is complete bull***t. Everything is system dependent. ESPECIALLY with passives. And you say, "you get what you pay for". Give me a break. If that were the case then the most expensive equipment in the world would sound the ifs, ands, or buts. To each his own, but in my experiences, nothing beats a passive when used properly. Maybe your system doesn't "like" a passive preamp.

I keep scrolling up to re-read your last post, trying to make heads or tails of it and I fail to do so every time. I keep laughing at the "you get what you pay for" line about the Lightspeed. The LSA is probably the best passive I've heard regardless of price. Oh well, like I each his own.
So Knghifi, what is this cable that beat your SRs? Granted, this was in YOUR system with YOUR ears. Everyone has a different opinion on sound...and taste. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate.
Not to change the subject but if you like to make a few changes, you already know what the EAR sounds like. I remember asking myself when I when I was much younger, " I had 3 beers and felt great, why did I think that 3 more would make me feel better ". 

Full disclosure here, I wasn't that much younger. 

What you are longing for is a full rich midrange which most monitors won't give you. 

New speakers.......