Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

Hi Mbovaird, I have not had a chance to listen to soulution amps yet, your description sounds intriguing!, I cannot coment on these amps, however, the Dan D Agistino amps are worth a worthy audition!, I have always liked his house sound, I would really like to hear what you think of the Dan D Agistino amps, I have my impressions, I want for you to come back and share yours,, what was the model of Ear digital you like?, I would like very much to look into that!, cheers.
I hope to hear the D'Agostino amps next week. I'm looking forward to it.

The EAR CD Player was the Acute III. My friend ended up buying it. If I still spun CD's, I would too.

Mbvoaird...whew...I was making a joke, and by the way my Eden bass cabs, a 12, a 15, and a 2X10, make most home audio speakers sound weak and silly...and they're paper. Also almost zero pro guitar players including myself use anything other than tube guitar amps, although for bass amps SS can sound fine.
@ Mbovaird, I took a peek at the EAR Acute 3 player, The reviews was the best I have ever read! , guess what? I happen to own all the best Taralabs makes for cables!, and I am in the market for a disc spinner, I do not like Ayons house sound, thats the 6h30 tubes do not do it for me!, I have a Ayon 2s thats great if you like that kind of presatation for a sound stage!, can you describe the sound of the EAR Acute 3 player? cheers.
I don't want to get off topic with discussions of a CD player, but I will say the EAR CD player sounded very warm, without any hint of typical digital edge or fatigue. There is digital I can listen to for hours (like the Linn Klimax DS, Akurate DS and even the new Marantz NA11S1), then there is digital that I can only stomach for an hour or less because while listening, things are "sticking out" which causes fatigue (I guess my brain has to work too hard!).

That being said, I will still take my analog/vinyl rig over everything "digital".

