Soulution vs Boulder vs TAD electronics vs MBL whi

Owning now the Soulutions 700 monos/pre, speakers are the MBL 101 MKII I goes to the Munich 2013 show, and I was hearing many systems, and in my humble opinion, Soulution was a little lean, TAD a little dark and Boulder a little too sweet but at the end better, I recognize that the best system for me was the living voice with Audio note Kondo, but kondo can´t work with my speakers, the second best one was the TAD system and the MBL, I was very disappointed with Constellation with TAD reference one speakers, surprised by how good sounds CH precision electronics with VIVID speakers and with Stenheim speakers(Alumine 2 way) in two different rooms, also Absolare with Altair speakers had very good sound, and in one of my 3 vists to the Magico S5 with Spectral room they also was good, not so in the others 2 visits.

I will be very pleased to know your opinions and advice, based on what did you heard about these electronics(MBL, TAD Boulder perhaps the new series 2100, CH precision, Balabo, never heard.., and sorry and yes the soulutions are for sale and accept yours offers, are 220 located in Europe.

I would try to find a pair of the Audionet MAX they should be able to drive the MBL's perfectly, they have amazing specs, with massive power delivery into 1 ohm loads, with a tremendous damping factor, these two attributes should lead to a successful marriage with the MBL.

When you factor in their reasonable price and superb build quality I don't see why you wouldn't want to check them out
I will check Audionet, and also try to demo the news Boulder series 2000, and I forget tubes , it seems if that the CAT can´t drive well the MBL, will be difficult that nother tube amps can to do it
Emigene, disagree with your statement above saying "will be difficult that nother tube amps can do it" NOT TRUE!!!!

I owned CAT mono's JL3 Sig MK2's and in my opinion not in the same league "universe" as the VAC's driving these specific speakers.

Boulder, I had a pair of 2050 mono blocks and even though they did this and that nice again not in the same league as the Vac amps with these speakers in my opinion

Have fun trying this and that, I know I did and learned allot along the way - end of the day it will come down to personal taste but in my opinion the VAC Statement 450's are the REAL DEAL and gets you off the merry-go-round, allows you to just enjoy! :-)
Soulution was a little lean, TAD a little dark and Boulder a little too sweet but at the end better, "

Dude those are some of the best and you don't like?

Really an ad to sell your amp??

Good one Glory, I always enjoy your answers no B.S.
You still have your Lamp dac ?