tv stand for pass labs amp?

I'm looking for a stand (up to ~65 inches wide) for my TV that will also fit my Pass Labs x250.5, center channel speaker, and other components (surround processor, power conditioner, etc).

I can find a large stand for the tv and everything but the Pass amp just fine. The problem is finding something that will hold something as large and heavy as the x250.5 (and not melt down) while still having a spot for the center channel speaker (7.5 inches high, 17.5 inches wide).

Any suggestions? Not looking to spend a fortune here, so don't go recommending something that costs 3 grand :)


there are several guys out there who build custom racks. This is the approach I would take (if I were you).
I also recommend going custom. The cabinet in my secondary system was built by a local woodmaker to my specs for under a grand.
goign with the Salamander Synergy triple 20 base with no sides or doors to help with ventilation. Hopefully it'll fit everything
It will not perform (vibration and/or isolation) as well as a Steve Blinn but it probably cost less.