Prima Luna vs jolida

I am looking at upgrading from my aging b&k ex442 to mono blocks. Iam considering the prima Luna prologue 6 or the new jolida 502p which can be bridged and two run as mono blocks. What I like about the jolida is being able to buy one at a time. Just curious as to opinions. Fwiw I am running a set of gallo 3.5, audible illusions pre and Cary cdp. I like the less grainy/brightness of the b&k compared to the adcom that I had prior. But that is the only other amp I have tried in my system.
I don't know either amp but it seems we just got used to the GL KT-88 power tube which I use and think is insanely good, at least the selected octet I bought. Now I have to risk transformer meltdown with the KT-120s just to keep up with the Joneses and why do tell are my nos pre-amp tubes loosing value except for certain 12AX7s? What's going on around here? Who is the instigator a witch I bet!!
Transformer meltdown doesn't seem to be much of an issue with least as far as I can tell from asking around. GL KT88s have been highly regarded for a while, but 120s are cheaper and sneaking in everywhere. It is important that you have several power tube options sitting unused in boxes to retain any level of audio geek cred.
Take a look at the VAS/Cayin line, better sound, better value.

Why? How is it better? I can't even find a price on the mono blocks.
Re Cayin - distributor and manufacturer support is dismal!

I have two (2) A100T amps, about 4 years old which had identical failures. Manufacturer will not communicate at all. The distributor USA - Steve at VAS had never returned calls. When contacted over the phone he has made promises. I need 2 controller chips which he apparently does not have, nor has he been able to obtain. So if he is a 'fine' guy, as is reported, he must have no standing whatsoever with Cayin, or though it is hard to believe perhaps Cayin has no parts back up for these amps even though they are still in production

2 very expensive boat anchors. My repair tech is investigating the possibility of converting these units to single source. He needs a schematic though. Guess what! None available. VAS will not take these in for repair either, as Steve sez why send them to him, he doesn't have the parts.

If you buy Cayin consider the risk first.

Buconero117, nothing has changed since my last comments on your Cayin recommendations. Since you know Steve maybe you could put in a good word for me.