Pass X350.5 or Krell 302e?

Anyone have any direct comparisons to share?
The thing I don't understand from Krell is why the sound of there amp's during a long period of time sound so different. Sometimes it is very musical and other times they can sound clean and without any kind of emotion. Often people use Krell with Tranparent cables. They bring more colour in the sound.
It is nice to modify an already good amp. New caps often improve the speed and openness. I have a person who can, modify sources, amps, cables and speakers from my clients. Technique and time goes on.
Thankyou Bo1972, of course you know I do not use the Transparent cables, so I do not have the colour exsperience, I hear great things here on the gon about Transparent cables used on a variety of equipment, I have never heard anybody say they sound coloured, cheers.
Transparent makes nice cables, no doubt about it. I did some test with Nordost Valhalla and the more expensive Transparent in the past. Was with Krell poweramp and pre amp. With Valhalla there was a lot more details and speed. The sound is Always more important over resolution. With Transparent it was a lot more pleasent to listen at. A system needs to have a nice overwhole sound. Wenn it is not there you never wil listen for many hours. It is that simple!