Why does Spectral have such a cult following

I've never thought their stuff sounded that special. They have very few dealers and they don't advertise at all. I'm not saying it's bad gear. I just don't understand why some people act like it's the holy grail.
Years ago The Absolute Sound went uncharacteristically, absolutely gaga for their stuff and MIT around the same time too.
They are fast and accurate, a lot of people like them. It doesn't mean that if you don't you have violated a law or something. I kind of like them myself. I have never been in a position to afford them when other priorities arose and with my love of the tube magic. I found I was not able buy them.
"09-04-13: Schipo
I am curious has anyone tried anything other than MIT cables? It seems nothing more than an advertising scam. All these years and still must be used with MIT cable and nothing else? Just sounds so ridicules."

Yes. AQ, Tara, Kimber and Siltech. They all worked fine.
Yess it is based on nothing. Audioquest was superior compared to MIT on Avalon. Always use your own ears. Or you would be a fool!!