Pass X350.5 Heat Output

Not having heard Pass, I'd like to know how much heat the X250.5 / X350.5 generate. I understand their Class A amps give off a lot of heat but will the X.5 be somewhat less?

I have a small room now (11x12) but will be moving to a larger room (12x22) shortly.

Thank you for your thoughts
The X350.5 will have more drive and speed. I would go for the X350.5. I owned the XA100.5 for 2 years. I still has a lot of drive. It has a more musical sound and a more touchable image. But the 350.5 has more drive and speed. I play with the X250.5 now. The X.05 series has a bit more air in the high freq. I later will go for the X600.5. I prefer the drive and air above the more musical sound and better blacks.
Like Bo said the 350.5 has more speed at the bottom end and more jump factor but the XA160.5 has more mid bass detail and purity the advantage the 160.5 has over the 100.5 is more details can be heard. If I needed a sub woofer amp I would choose the 350.5 but for everything else in my system the 160.5 was superior. Good Luck Hasse
This might be the 1st downside I have found to living in Florida! Would love some XA! Too much heat me thinks.
Magnepan will play better with the X.5 series. This has to do with the demand of your speakers.